Enhanced website loading with 'GUETZLI'

Weird name though but I am pretty much sure that this name will be an integral part of web fraternity in upcoming years. The question arises what is Guetzli and how would it become so important.

Websites are an integral part of life now and who does not hate it if they tend to load slow, quite frustrating isn't it? As always Google has come to our rescue. 

> What is GUETZLI ?

Guetzli is an encoder developed by Google that allows JPEG files to be compressed as much as 35 percent, resulting in much faster Web page loading.

"Guetzli," which means "cookie" in Swiss German, allows users to create smaller JPEG images while maintaining compatibility with existing Web browsers, image processing applications and the existing JPEG standard.

> How does it enhance browsing speed?

Guetzli produces a result similar to that of Google's Zopfli algorithm, which produces smaller PNG and gzip files without the requirement of a new file format. The technique is different from RNN-based image compression, RAISR and WebP, all of which need an ecosystem and client changes for compression at Internet scale.

> History of development

Google first introduced the Zopfi compression algorithm in 2013 and two years later unveiled Brotli, which offered faster page loads and up to 26 percent higher compression ratios than Zopfi.

Microsoft late last year announced support for Brotli in Edge, which would make it broadly interoperable across major browsers, as the latest versions of Chrome and Firefox already support Brotli.

> Quality and Compression

JPEG resolution quality is directly correlated to its multi-stage compression process.
Guetzli specifically targets the quantization stage in which the more visual quality loss is introduced, the smaller resulting file. 

Guetzli strikes a balance between minimal loss and file size by employing a search algorithm that tries to overcome the difference between psychovisual modeling of JPEG's format and Guetzli's psychovisual model.

The model approximates color perception and visual masking in a more detailed way than what can be achieved through simpler color transforms and discrete cosine transforms, according to the engineers.

> Summary

The overall result is saving of 25~35% through Guetzli which means browsing speeds can go up by 20~25%. Surely we will see a lot more improvement in near future in this area.

So get ready and employ few thoughts on how we can improve browsing speeds of websites. Do comments below and let me know your thoughts and ideas. 


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